ONtrail Logo

A Community Of Mountain Bikers

Riders resting before a bike race begins.

ONtrail i looking to be part of Ontario’s mountain bike community. We also hope to showcase the community members who make it happen.

New Year’s Resolutions

Selfie of a smiling man sitting by a river/

Here are 5 New Year’s Resolutions for ONtrail and myself. This image is a selfie of the author, Tim Durkin. He has a small smile on his face. He is in a forest with a river in the background. He is taking a break from a mountain bike ride in Ontario.

New Bike Day

Child Pushing a Mountain Bike in the Snow

Christmas is coming and for lots of us that means a trip to your local bike shop to buy a new bike – either for yourself or a loved one.

New Skills

Learning a new skill is always challenging. Or at least it should be. Add age, low-average athleticism, and a fear of failure to the mix and new skills can suddenly seem overwhelming.